Governor Doyle Proclaims April Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention Month

Date: March 31, 2006

Governor Doyle Proclaims April Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention Month

Declares April 30, 2006 as "Celebrate Children Day" in Wisconsin

Governor Jim Doyle today proclaimed April as Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention Month in Wisconsin, and declared April 30, 2006 as the annual "Celebrate Children - A Blue Ribbon Day for KIDS."

"One of the highest priorities of my Administration is making sure our children grow up safe and healthy," Governor Doyle said. "During National Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention Month, we must renew our commitment to preventing child maltreatment and rededicate ourselves to working together to ensure that our children will have a bright and hopeful future."

The Children's Trust Fund, the Child Abuse Prevention Fund of Children's Hospital and Health System, and Prevent Child Abuse Wisconsin sponsor the Blue Ribbons for KIDS campaign during April and throughout the year. The blue ribbon is a memorial to children who have been affected by abuse and neglect, and a symbol of the need to support children and parents to reduce the likelihood of child maltreatment. To learn more about the blue ribbon cause and download resources about the Blue Ribbons for KIDS initiative, visit

Helene Nelson, Secretary of the Department of Health and Family Services, urged everyone to wear a blue ribbon during April and year round.

"Award yourself a blue ribbon for all you do for children and families in your community, and do something special on April 30th to show your children and grandchildren that you love and value them," Secretary Nelson said.

Communities across Wisconsin are planning activities throughout April to spread the word that everyone has a role to play in making our communities safe and supporting families in a way that prevents child maltreatment.

As part of Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention month, Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development Secretary Roberta Gassman and State Superintendent of Public Instruction Elizabeth Burmaster will visit the Children's Outing Association (COA) Youth & Family Centers in Milwaukee on Monday, April 3rd to announce grants for 33 child care agencies statewide to help them improve their programs.

The month of prevention and awareness will culminate on April 30th with many communities holding events to honor and celebrate children.

"It is important that we celebrate our children," Governor Doyle said. "They are Wisconsin's greatest resource and the community leaders of tomorrow. We all have an important job to do in keeping our children safe."

"'Celebrate Children's Day' is about celebrating children in positive ways," Secretary Nelson said. "It is a reminder to Wisconsin's communities of their responsibility to ensure the health and well-being of our youngest citizens."

There were 40,473 reports of suspected maltreatment in 2003 in Wisconsin. In less than 20% of the reported cases, investigators found evidence that a child had been abuse or neglected. That's 7,994 children, or an average of 22 children per day in 2003 in Wisconsin. Twelve children died in 2003 in Wisconsin from abuse and neglect.

Anyone suspicious of alleged child abuse or neglect should contact local the department of social/human services where the child or the child's family resides. Reports can also be made to local law enforcement offices.
